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Hello, I'm Milan (yes, like that city) and I design & build prototypes to discover better ways humans and computers can collaborate. Mainly focused on mathematical notation and spatial computing.
I write (not-so-)long-form essays, and I talk to the void through my 𝕏 posts. If you are into emails, here you go. No spam and unsolicited job offers pls. Btw I like pizza.

New Kind of Paper

An exploration of enriching paper&pencil with differentiable computation.

  1. New Kind of Paper – Introduction of the upgraded paper&pencil thinking
  2. New Kind of Paper, pt. 2 – Definition of the Fluent notation
  3. New Kind of Paper, pt. 3 – Inspirational prior inventions
  4. New Kind of Paper, pt. 4 – On how to think efficiently
  5. New Kind of Paper, pt. 5 – Towards democratization through Apple Math Notes

Spatial Computing

Spatial Computing is transformational computing medium.